tisdag 30 augusti 2011

Soon it's time!

Draft of daily program for participants - “Yalla lets act”

Updated: 29 aug 2011
Please note that this is a preliminary program. Times and trainers might be subject to change.
Monday 5th September
18.00 Dinner
19.00 Welcome!
19.30 Democracy evening briefing and some personal insights by Tomas Axen Haraldsson
20.00 Get to know evening activity

Tuesday 6 September:
08.00-09-00 Breakfast
09.00 Morning News and getting team building
09.45 Presentation about the MENA-group and HBTQ-initiatve
10.00 Democracy academy (www.democracy.se) about democracy within organizations
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Continuation by the democracy academy
14.30 Break
14.45 Continuation by the democracy academy
16.00 Collecting boarding passes and tickets
18.00 Dinner
Free time
Wednesday 7 September:
08.00-09-00 Breakfast
09.00 Morning News
09.30 Presentation about Love No Borders project
10.00 Organization mingle and networking
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Jämfota (http://jamfota.se/) about a norm-critical approach
15.00 Break
17.00 Dinner
18.00 BBQ
Free time
Thursday 8 September:
08.00-09-00 Breakfast
09.00 Morning News
09.30 Fanny Davidsson (http://www.fannydavidsson.se/) about human rights and structures for participation and volunteerism
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Continuation by Fanny Davidsson
14.30 Break
14.45 Continuation by the Fanny Davidsson
16.00 Reimbursement
16.30 Free time
18.00 Dinner
Free time

Friday 9 September: Study visit day and Stockholm tour
Participants choose between two blocks of study visits:
10.00 Group 1: Study visit Fryshuset
            Group 2: Study visit Kvinnors Nätverk
11.45 Lunch, Fryshuset
14.00 Guided tour
16.00 Free time
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Party and intercultural evening

Saturday 10 September:
08.00-09-00 Breakfast
09.00 Morning News
09.30 EVS in Stockholm
10.00  Workshop about Volunteerism- by Sofia and Maria 
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Youth in action and New Euromed programme by Nur
13.40 Break
14.00 Project planning
16.00 Project presentations
17.00 Break
17.15 Evaluation
18.00 Dinner
Free time or bye bye party

Sunday 11 September: Departure day

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